9th International Biennial Of Photography And Visual Arts - Liège
The ikob – Museum for Contemporary Art presents an installation by Sophie Langohr (*1974, lives and works in Liège) with the series New Faces and Jacques Charlier (*1939, lives and works in Liège) around the theme of the sculpture of Saint Rita, the very piece of art that laid the foundation for the ikob collection in 1993. Two exhibitions; two generations meeting and communicating with each other, two perspectives of the holiness of the woman, yesterday and nowadays…
“From the stock of a museum, Sophie Langohr unearthed fifteen statues of the Virgin Mary in the Saint-Sulpice style, which today represent the purest form of religious knick-knack and the beginnings of a semi-industrial art. The artist confronts the outmoded faces with the ones found on the internet of the current muses that incarnate the big brands of the luxury industry.
Jacques Charlier has also been exploring the fake ideal of the transubstantiation for quite some time, observing the theologies of art and the objet d’art which is seen as redeeming. The latter is appropriated by the market which, as the artist says, is capable of transforming the slightest draft into a transfigured object, under the strategic gaze of a global curie. [...]”
(Excerpts of a text by Jean-Michel Botquin, Galerie Nadja Vilenne, Liège)