Practical Information
- Le Bip_Pass gives acces to all the charged venues.
- 20 € (full price)
- 15 € (reduced)
(I) Cité Miroir / (II) Bal
- 10 € (full price)
- 8 € (reduced)
- 5€ (groups)
- 1,25€ (article 27)
(III) Musée d’Ansembourg / (VI) B9 /
(V) Société libre d’Emulation + Cercle des Beaux-Arts
- 5 € (full price)
- 3 € (reduced)
- 2 € (groups)
- 1,25€ (article 27)
All the other exhibitions :
The group price is applicable for groups from 10 people.

Here is a map kindly provided by SNOR / Belgian Photomagazine.
PROLONGATION of Patrick Everaert’s EXHIBITION EVERMORE at Espace 251 Nord !!
The exhibition stays accessible this week-end (May 31 and June 1) and the following (June 7 and 8), from 2pm to 6pm, and also on appointment.
Wed > Fri : 1pm > 6pm
Sat > Sun : 10am > 6pm
Except for Musée d’Ansembourg:
Thu > Sun : 10am > 6pm
Closed on Wednesday
The exhibitions Idoles, Icônes, Mirages, About the chair, Evermore, Vues de l’esprit, Prescience, OMG* and Panginoon/Borderline, will be accessible from March 15 till May 25 2014.
The exhibition Datazone of Philippe Chancel will be finished on March 28.
The exhibition Revoir will be visible from May 10.
Au-Delà is a urban display and will be visible in the streets from March 15 till May 25.
All exhibitions are closed on Thursday, May 1.
The exhibition Prescience is closed during the week-end of May 17-18.
Cité Miroir - Idoles
Place Xavier Neujean, 22
Beaux-Arts de Liège – BAL - Icônes
En Féronstrée, 86
Musée d’Ansembourg – Mirages
En Féronstrée, 114
Hangar B9 – Campus de l’Ecole supérieure des Arts – Saint-Luc - About the chair
Boulevard de la Constitution, 41
Espace 251 Nord – Evermore
Rue Vivegnis, 25
Société Libre d’Emulation – Vues de l’esprit
Rue Charles Magnette, 9
Imprimerie Vervinckt – Prescience
Rue de la Câblerie, 9
Galerie Satellite – Panginoon / Borderline
Cinéma Churchill / Rue du Mouton Blanc, 20
Brasserie Haecht - Revoir
Rue de la Brasserie, 6